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Soleful Memories: A Journey Through Shoes

Soleful Memories: A Journey Through Shoes

Back when I was just a little girl, barely into my teens, my parents whisked me away to this magical store reserved exclusively for families of World War II veterans, thanks to my grandpa’s service and his prized store pass. Picture this: Ukraine, still firmly in the grip of the Soviet era, with a scarcity of pretty much everything. Stepping into that store felt like hitting the jackpot. While my parents nudged me towards practical boots for our brutal winters,…

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Thoughts On Mediumship…

Thoughts On Mediumship…

I was giving a ride to someone. As our conversation unfolded, we delved into the current state of the world. She shared with me she was a psychic, an Akashic Record reader, and an avid student of the Book of Revelation for her Bible study group. In contrast, I confessed my reluctance to peek into the Akashi and uncover my future. Our discourse meandered through the realms of free will, punctuated by my childhood lucid dreams – one of which…

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The body keeps the score. Brain mind and body in the healing of trauma by Bessel van der Kolk

The body keeps the score. Brain mind and body in the healing of trauma by Bessel van der Kolk

This is one of my rare gems, a most treasured possession that I have in both hardcopy and audio formats. I initially delved into this book for my work with clients but soon found myself immersed in the depths of exploring my own story. It’s quite an intense read, and I took my time navigating through it. The author, founder, and Medical Director of the trauma center, is also a professor of psychiatry and a practicing therapist. He discusses the…

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Diary of a wimpy kid

Diary of a wimpy kid

When my son grabbed this book at his school’s book fair, I had my doubts – it was a chapter book about middle school, and he wasn’t there yet. However, I’m thrilled I trusted his choice. Now, we own four books from the series and plan to read them all. The best part? You can jump into any book in the series without following a specific order. We started in the middle, circled back, ventured forward, and just finished the…

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Lather it all in! Radiant Rituals: The Transformative Power of Ayurvedic Oiling for Timeless Skin

Lather it all in! Radiant Rituals: The Transformative Power of Ayurvedic Oiling for Timeless Skin

It’s invigorating, soothing, warm, and consistent – oil is a complex mixture of hydrocarbons with different structures and properties. Derived from the very essence of its source, a mere drop unfolds a world of benefits. I revel in the luxury of applying oil to my skin, drawn by the enchanting anti-aging effects gifted by vitamin E and omega-3 fatty acids. They’re the superheroes behind skin elasticity, gracefully diminishing the presence of wrinkles – a contemplation that gains significance in my…

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As a little girl, around 3 or 4 years old, I finally caught the chickenpox – the last one in preschool to do so. It was a moment of odd joy. I vividly remember shouting, “Hooray, I got chickenpox!” It felt like a strange victory, having felt left out when everyone else had already experienced it. Fast forward to last night, and I found myself in a similar situation. No, it wasn’t chickenpox this time, but an unexpected visit from…

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