Readers’ Realm

Readers’ Realm

Once I started reading, I couldn’t stop. To paraphrase a famous saying, ‘A book a day keeps gloom away.’ Readers Realm is a collection of my recent favorites – books I’ve not only read but also revisited multiple times. These are the literary treasures that left a lasting impact on me. I hold immense respect for those who invest time in crafting a book, and I adhere to a simple rule: I only share my positive impressions. If I have kind words for a literary piece, you’ll hear about it; otherwise, my thoughts remain private. As a participant in the Amazon Associate Program, I earn from qualifying purchases, and you’ll find links to the Amazon book store in my posts. Additionally, I explore other platforms like Apple Books, eBay, and traditional retail stores for my new reads. With an Audible account, I also provide links to audiobooks. Enjoy the reading journey!

Diary of a Wimpy Kid

The Body Keeps the Score