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Where Curiosity Meets Contentment

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  • The Motor Power of Speech: A Journey into Language Learning
    Imagine someone telling you for the first time: “Speech is 100% motor.” This simple statement flipped everything I thought I knew about language upside down. For years, I’d approached language as purely mental – a game of vocabulary, grammar rules, and memorization. But that one statement completely shifted my perspective on how we learn and use languages. I first encountered this concept during an intensive training program, where I was learning to become a Spelling-to-Communicate practitioner under the expert guidance…

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  • Live Longer And Healthier Through Conscious Breathing
    My Honest Review of Eddie Stern’s “Healing Through Breathing: Four Lessons for Lasting Health and Happiness” Eddie Stern, a renowned yoga teacher, author, and lecturer, known for his work in the Ashtanga Yoga tradition, studied under the famous yoga master Sri K. Pattabhi Jois. He has co-authored and published several books on yoga and is involved in projects promoting the therapeutic and holistic aspects of yoga. “Healing Through Breathing” is a gem and a must-read. Having read it three times,…

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  • Unlocking Your Ayurvedic Blueprint: Discover Your Dosha for Balanced Living
    Pitta, Vata, and Kapha… Do you know your dosha? My personal dive into these fundamental bodily energies started, when someone asked me this question. Understanding my dosha became incredibly valuable in maintaining balance and well-being, particularly during stressful times, which go on and off. As a Pitta dosha individual myself, this knowledge has been instrumental in helping me manage stress and respond more effectively to challenging situations. The concept of doshas originates from Ayurveda (from Sanskrit, meaning “science of life”),…

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  • Sunny Arizona Skincare Secrets: Busting Sunscreen Myths and Embracing Radiant, Ageless Skin
    Let’s dive into the world of sunscreen! While I won’t preach about using it religiously, let’s bust a few myths and explore the sunny side of skincare. Living in sunny Arizona, I adore the warmth – even if it can be intense at times. I’ll take it any day over the cold. The sun and I have a mutual love affair; it kisses my skin generously, but this affection can lead to unwanted visitors like melasma. For years, I’ve mistaken…

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  • Unlock Your Learning Potential: 5 Strategies for Effortless Knowledge Retention
    If you ever delved into the realm of learning, you stumbled upon the VAKT concept – Visual, Auditory, Kinesthetic, and Tactile. Well, buckle up because we’re not here to revisit that. Don’t get me wrong; VAKT is a gem, and I fount it very helpful and beneficial, but I’m all about that personalized approach. The real question on everyone’s mind is this: How do you, your students (yes, your kid counts!), learn like champs – quick, effective, and with memories…

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