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Where Curiosity Meets Contentment

Find enchantment in every gaze, capture the beauty that unfolds before you, be passionate about spreading the love for the remarkable scenes you witness


  • My Journey with the Piano from Trauma to Triumph. Unveiling the Secrets Behind the Piano Keys
    I’ve always been fascinated by the piano. There is something magical about it. I remember once in high school, I fell in love just by listening to someone play. My journey with the piano began when my parents brought home a fortepiano, a sleek ebony beauty that seemed to hold the key to a realm of emotions. It sat gracefully in our living room, its ebony and ivory keys like a gateway to an enchanting realm of emotions, where melodies…

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  • Beyond the Crash: Lessons from a Split-Second
    It was a split-second shift. Moments earlier, I had been the epitome of confidence behind the wheel – a careful driver, yielding to others, attentive to every detail of the road. Then, in an instant, it felt as though I was a mere spectator as my body seized control. It happened. The memories that linger are not of sights or sensations but of sounds: the deafening bang, the abrupt explosion of the airbag. Despite my certainty of having the right…

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  • Soleful Memories: A Journey Through Shoes
    Back when I was just a little girl, barely into my teens, my parents whisked me away to this magical store reserved exclusively for families of World War II veterans, thanks to my grandpa’s service and his prized store pass. Picture this: Ukraine, still firmly in the grip of the Soviet era, with a scarcity of pretty much everything. Stepping into that store felt like hitting the jackpot. While my parents nudged me towards practical boots for our brutal winters,…

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  • Embracing the Year of the Dragon: A Time of Strength, Prosperity, and Transformation
    In my culture, when we celebrated our New Year on December 31st, we always made a big deal about one of the animals in Chinese culture. It depended on whose turn it was to represent the coming year. I’d be all into it! I would dress up in the colors symbolic of the coming year, and whipping up a dish that the animal of the year was into. We’d set up a symbol of the animal on our dinner table…

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  • Thoughts On Mediumship…
    I was giving a ride to someone. As our conversation unfolded, we delved into the current state of the world. She shared with me she was a psychic, an Akashic Record reader, and an avid student of the Book of Revelation for her Bible study group. In contrast, I confessed my reluctance to peek into the Akashi and uncover my future. Our discourse meandered through the realms of free will, punctuated by my childhood lucid dreams – one of which…

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